ESLC Economic, Social & Labor Council


The Inaguration of the 13th Chairperson of ESLC

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KIM Moon Soo was inaugurated as the 13th Chairperson of the Economic, Social and Labor Council (ESLC) of the Republic of Korea effective from September 30, 2022.

On October 4, 2022 Mr. Chairperson had an inauguration ceremony at the headquarters of the ESLC.

In his speech, he said " Social Dialogue is more important than ever in order to bring sustainable economic and social development. The ESLC will play a pivotal role to promote labor reform through social dialogue which is called for the President."

His major career is as follows;

* 33th Governor of Gyeonggi Province(2006.7~2014.6)

* Member of Parliament, MP(Bucheon Sosa)(1996.5~2006.5)

* Director of Labor Human Rights Center(1994.5)

* 1st Chairman of Korea-Japan Dorco Labor Union(1978)